Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Greetings once again from South Africa. As the adventure continues, the Zambia team is being stretched in many ways.

We are being stretched physically as we all try to overcome jet lag and extreme tiredness. Our two days of "rest" prior to leaving for Zambia have been packed with activities from dawn until after dusk. Yet, no one has gotten sick! Yesterday we drove several hours to Pilanesburg game park and saw some of God's amazing creations - rhino, giraffe, elephant, baboon, implala, kudu and many others. However, despite Taylor's watchful eagle eye we did not see any lions. Last night we attended the Bible College class here on AFnet grounds.

We are being stretched emotionally. We saw absolute suffering, sickness, poverty and despair today in Shoshanguve - an township about 1/2 hour outside of Pretoria. We visited the Tsakelani Orphan Center (completed with donations from Twin Lakes Church's Santa Cruz Cares) and had the privilege of meeting with Pastor Jack and hearing his insight and heart for the people. We also visited AFnet's newest orphan center and were treated to an impromptu serenade by a group of orphan children. We also visited a hospice and spoke with the sister (nurse) in charge there and learned more about the governmental issues impacting AIDS treatment. The hospice team then took us to the bedside of a man dying of AIDS where we had the privilege of praying for him. Our next stop was the "home" of five of the orphan children that attend the AFnet Orphan Center. They were living in the one room shack shown above with their aunt and all they had to eat was a small portion of cornmeal cooking over an open fire outside. Johan said that these children had never seen a white person before - and suddenly nine of us shown up in a van at their house. It was a unanimous decision by the entire team to leave our lunches we had packed behind for them. The wheels are also spinning by Johan (and us) to see about improving their living situation. The most amazing thing about all these encounters was meeting the children and talking to them and seeing their smiles and hearing their laughter in the midst of abject poverty.

We are being stretched relationally as eight women are living together in close quarters - in each other's company for 24/7. As we get to know each other better and have new experiences together, God is working to form a cohesive team. We've had no melt downs and no whining!

We are being stretched spiritually as we prepare to speak to the women at the conference. We all want to be culturally relevant and impactful and sensitive to these women. We all want this to be more about building relationships and sharing God's love than just "giving a talk." Each of us is experiencing our own fears about how God will use us. Johan has been encouraging to us and I think we have been encouraging each other as well.

We leave tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. to fly to Lusaka, Zambia. We will be staying with US missionaries in Lusaka for the night. On Thursday we drive 12 hours (on bad roads we are told) to Mansa. On Friday the conference will begin. We so appreciate your comments on the blog and your prayers - especially the prayers!


Jenny said...

Hello Zambia team, we are praying for you hourly! You are in a perfect position to see God work, because you will know that it is God alone who communicates your message, who gives you supernatural strength to function, and who guards you from sickness."When I am weak, then He is strong, and the power of Christ rests upon you!" Also, remember that when Peter, a humble fisherman, spoke to the crowds on the day of Pentecost, that the Lord caused them all to hear his message in their own language! So trust that He already gave you the words AND the message, and that He will communicate it through each of you in His own way. You are all very loved- especially you, Taylor! Love,Jenny

Diane Syres said...

Hello Everyone! It is so exciting to be able to see what you are doing each day...you are BUSY!!! I will continue to keep you ALL in my prayers for strength as you minister to these dear people!! Hello Kim! I am praying for your tummy ...You are the best leader a team of women could want! I may call Dave for a more detailed report!!! Hi Taylor! I can just see you on the lookout for lions and other wild beasts out in the "bush"! I pray your previous tummy issues are resolved... Doesn't our Lord allow us such great adventures when we seek to serve Him by telling others how great He is??? Hello Suzanne! I can just see you with your big smile and camera !!! Thank you for sharing your love and many talents with people all over the world! You are amazing!!! Hi Paulette! Everyone is going to get big doses of your sweet spirit and love during this trip ! Hi Amy ..you are doing a wonderful job posting...I have written this 3 times and tried to post it ..I am SO pc challenged!!! 3rd time's a charm ! Love to all !! Diane

jake0958 said...

Hi Zambia Team!

It is wonderful to read your updates and know exactly how you are doing. We are praying for you and thinking about you often. Paul told me today he is reliving his Zambia trip as he reads about yours. So glad things are going as well as they are so far.

We just returned from our Mexico Mission trip with our girls and 14 others from church. It went very well. The girls did a fabulous job - we were very proud of them. They made friends with some of the orphans, one girl in particular named Francis who is 9 years old. Jessica has already written her a letter.

We will continue to pray for you. Much love - Robin

Lorri said...

Hi Zambia Team!
Thank you for sharing in such wonderful detail.
The look on your faces and the faces of the children say it all.
GOD IS LOVE, and he is working through all of you.
Prayers and love,

Gwenda_Baker said...

Hello Ladies! You are in my prayers--my heart is full and the tears well up as I think of the life-changing Words you are bringing to those precious women. GOD BLESS YOU! ! !
"And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever." Isaiah 32:17

"In all the little things of life,
Thyself, Lord, may I see;
In little and in great alike
Reveal Thy love to me.
So shall my undivided life
To Thee, my God, be given;
And all this earthly course below
Be one dear path to heaven."
Horatius Bonar

julie said...

Hi ladies,
I admire you all for taking this leap of faith and traveling to Zambia. Ann, I've been praying for you ever since you handed out your support letter. It's still hanging on our fridge. Have a wonderful and safe time. Be patient. I always need to hear that.
Julie Skelton

onamission said...

Hello Amy and Team -
Thank you for the photos and the wonderful details. You are thought of often and are being prayed for as well. He will supply you with all your needs. He is there in all that "stretching". We love the work you are doing in Him! Praise God. After I posted the comment when we were at Norm/Terrys house, we got together for a "show" that John put together from the SFMO photos. After that, we decided to pray for you and the team. John just BEAMS when he speaks of you, Amy. He loves and respects you deeply. It's such a blessing to see that in him. He is very proud of you.
Love, Sandra Jensen

DIANA L. said...

Hi women of God,
The Lord puts you on my heart constantly. Amy you did a great job on the Blog--great way to share with all of us-- so we feel we are there with you. I am praying today that your travel to Mansa will be comfortable, I pray that none of you will be sick, I pray that your voices are strong so the women will hear the messages God gives you to share. I pray for your strength physically and mentally. I ask God that HE fill you with the fruit of the spirit(continually). I pray that the cohesiveness of the team grows stronger. I pray that you have more energy and stamina. I pray that the next few days you see the miracles of God. I ask all this in Jesus name and to God's glory.AMEN

Sheri Del Core said...

In prayer throughout the day for you. God is clearly at work through you all. Love, peace, health, rest and may you see many miracles each day. GO TEAM!!!
Sheri D.

Janelle said...

Mom (Anne), Chance prayed for you in the car and said, "Dear Gram, I hope you have a good trip. Have fun with the girls. Amen." We are all praying for you and the team a ton! Love you lots!
Janelle, Joy, and Chance

Diane Syres said...

Hello Ladies!!! Happy 4th of July ! Shorty and I are praying that your "road trip" went well and that you are all physically healthy and of one mind praising the Lord for the wonderful opportunity He has given you!! You are missed very much and "filthy rich" in friends and prayers for a successful conference ! We all look forward to each new update ! May our dear Heavenly Father empower each of you to do what task you have been sent to do and to trust Him for every woman you will and have met! We KNOW he is working through you all!! All our Love ! Shorty and Diane Syres

Unknown said...

Amazing !
We can communicate half way around the globe in minutes, almost anytime we want.
Indeed God is awesome ! God is both with you on your journey and tasks and at the same time here in CA. God is with those displaced by wildfires, there have been very few "new" losses since you left.

May you feel Holy Spirit working through you in Zambia.

A Special hi to Martie. We miss you and are waiting to hear more when you get back.
Rob Anderson

Jenny said...

Hello Zambian Team!
I find myself awaking at all hours in the night and praying for each of you by name. You are ALL my heros! As we celebrated our freedom this week end, I couldn't help think about how you are bringing freedom to Zambia- because Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and He said that the Truth shall set us free! We praise God for your courage and willingness to be "poured out" like Paul for these wonderful women of Zambia. Kim, I am especially praying for you to be restored to full health. We love you all so much- Jenny