Suzanne and our lunch at the Mansa market
The team at Victoria Falls - we are dry here - before the drenching walk
The conference grounds beside the church where all the attendees slept, ate, washed, etc...
Anne and Bonnie learning to dance the Zambia way.
The Zambian Leadership team that were co-teachers at the conference.
The teaching team and the conference attendees.
Taylor, were you REALLY on this trip? You are hiding in all the pictures!!! We can't wait for this team to get home, and hear all your stories! We had John Trent speak in church today- he was GREAT! He had us break into small groups of 3 where no one knew each other, and each of us had to tell everything he could about himself in 1 minute.( like speed dating!) It was somewhat uncomfortable for everyone involved, but we all sat down so happy that we had met two new people that we'd never met before, and his point was, without taking the RISK of jumping into the unknown, friendships wouldn't happen! You all have taken huge risks and pushed the envelope in the comfort zone, and I bet that even though it was hard, you will never be the same again. Blessed beyond words! Come home now. xoxoxo Jenny
For John and Tove-
God really had His hands on the wheel,in your eyes and mind. The Z Team is truly blessed to have your talents in keeping them (and yourselves) safe. Angels were in the glove box!
For the Z Team-
What a fitting finale to your journey by being baptized and cleansed by the largest water fall in His creation. Your journey has been filled by his many blessings. With all of our prayers, God will keep you safe for your final journey back to the U.S.
We miss you. See you soon.
God Bless you all.
John Hanley
Those are some wonderful photographs! We are all happy that you are all coming home soon! May you have safe travels!!
Nicole Hanley
Hi Z team,
It looks like if all went well you are home safely. Everyone is very excited to her of your wonderful stories. I am looking forward to hearing about the seeds you planted what a wonderful heritage for the next generations in Zambia to hear of the good news. Bless you all.
Love Diana
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